Netflix is increase engagement with video games by linking rewards to watching its series and movies

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Netflix is exploring innovative ways to increase engagement with video games by linking rewards to watching its series and movies. This is excellent way to create cross-platform that benefits both its streaming content and its growing gaming portfolio.

Netflix doesn’t seem to have focused on addressing challanges. The lack of compelling game catalog and the difficulty of accessing these games could be part of the issue. So, Netflix has chosen better solution: offering rewards in its games simply for watching its series and movies.

How it works?

Viewers can earn in game rewards, such as characters, skin or power ups by watching specific Netflix shows or movies.

Netflix may incorporate challanges or Easter eggs related to its shows, encouraging viewers to explore more of its gaming library.

Seamless Integration, this is for ensuring a smooth transition between watching and playing.

Squid Game: Better When It’s on Both Your Mobile and TV

Netflix taking steps to bring its series and games closer together, and Squid Game could be the best example of how this solution might work. Imagine enjoying show on your TV and then diving into its creative elements on your mobile. Netflix could elevate the Squid Game experience, making it immersive and engaging for fans across both platforms.

As a team-based battle royale, the game is simple yet highly addictive, staying true to the series by replicating its visuals and iconic challenges. To the more players, Netflix has decided to link the game directly to the 2nd season of Squid Game, creating an integrated experience that ties the gameplay.

When you watch more episodes from Squid Games Season 2, the more in-game rewards will unlocking for you. Everything is integrated into the same platform. Simply watch the series and play the game, each episodes you view grants a new reward in the game. This strategy from Netflix has to increase engagement, driving up viewership for the series.

The reward for this integration are very generous. Even without watching series, players will start with 15,000 cash in game. As you progress with Squid Game Season 2, the rewards become even more enticing. Viewers can earn additional in-game currency, exclusive outfits available only when watching the series, and tokens which unlocks random items and rewards. This strategy makes watching the series almost essential for those who want to fully enjoy the game, creating a strong incentive to engage with both.

If the games catches your attention, you can downoad it on Anroid through Google Play or on iOS via the App Store. Dive in and claim the grand prize without meeting an untimely end in the process!

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